Rosh Hashanah Farmer’s Market - Elul/September
Start the year out fresh with an organic, hands-on experience bringing the local
goodness of the High Holidays to life. Activities include a New Year’s card-craft and
a bushel of healthful, culinary adventures, where you will learn new recipes and
techniques while understanding their unique connection to Rosh Hashanah. These
include artisanal challah baking, apple mocktails, carrot cake pops, and making your
own pomegranate honey salad dressing. Everyone receives a custom tote bag to
collect your marketplace finds!
Sukkot Art Fest - Tishrei/October
Developed in partnership with the Pop-Art Rabbi, Rabbi Yitzchok Moully, this
event uses street art as a lens for creating understanding and unity. Learn about
how each of us is part of one big beautiful whole, while working together on a mural
for our community sukkah. Afterwards, race to complete all the Sukkot Mitzvot in
our first ever color hop, experimenting with foam paint, graffiti, and other art forms
along the way!
Exploring Silence - Cheshvan/November
Full details coming soon: This club will be focused on a daily “Moment of Silence”
for children to contemplate their place in the world and how to make the world a better place for everyone. Each child will create his/her own “My Moment” book, a guide
to Jewish prayer and meditation. They will also explore the meaning behind this
movement in a hands-on, fun, and interactive way.
Chanukah Candle Workshop - Kislev/December
Bring your own special light to your menorah this Chanukah season! Experiment
with fun, custom-made molds to make candles of all shapes, sizes, patterns, and
colors. Turns out there’s a lot we can learn from candles! While they cool, take
chocolate gelt to the next level―literally―and build your own one-of-a-kind Gelt
T’u Bishvat Health Bar Factory - Shvat/February
Find out what nature, fruits, and the environment can teach us about living well.
Experience fruit like never before in a great game of “taste buds” with fun
challenges using tasty fruits. Then, unleash your inner cook, while experimenting
with all types of fruit and other yummies to create your own delicious health bar at
our Bar Factory.
Purim Outta the Box! - Adar/March
Get into teams to break into a mystery box holding all sorts of surprise treasures.
Work together to follow a sequence of clues and challenges to crack the code. Use
what you find inside to create a very special Purim gift for one of your friends and
complete the Purim Mitzvot!
Mah Nishtana Magic - Nissan/April
Forget abracadabra and open sesame. This Pesach, discover a whole new kind of
supernatural powers behind those “Four Questions.” Get some answers and practice
some serious sleight of hand to master four magic tricks. At the end, you’ll take home a
mah nishtana magic box with all the instructions, explanations, and materials you need
to let your inner magician shine.
CKids Parade-A-Thon - Iyar/May
Ride with Jewish pride! Join with friends to fundraise for charity and bedazzle your
bikes, helmets, rollerblades, or skateboards for a one-of-a-kind, musical Parade-AThon
celebrating Jewish pride. Party and treats to follow!